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Showing posts from June, 2017


You know what keeps us going?Its not our breath its hope..One can find many people living but the ones who live without Hope are not living in true sense.. Every sunset is followed by the hope that there is a sunrise tomorrow.. Every dark night is followed by  the hope of a sunny day.. Every tear is followed with a hope of smile.. Every moment of fear is followed by a hope of strength.. Every feeling of loneliness is followed by a hope of togetherness.. Every failure is followed by a hope of success.. Every drop of sweat is followed by the hope for chants of victory.. Every step back is followed by the hope of a step forward.. So every adversity is followed by the hope of prosperity:) Hope is that intangible thread if u hold it tight and with belief in the Almighty and yourself will walk you through this narrow  but seemingly impossible path with grace,honor,and wisdom.. Hope all of u my dear ones hold on to life when its difficult with a HOPE that its just m...