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Be a Tree

A tiny little seed..I sowed in my garden..
Small shoots fought the soil to meet thy God in heaven

They moved towards the sunshine..drinking all the water
To grow and grow taller to make thyself stronger

The tiny little stem..making its hard trunk
The pods that broke over to give way to the flowers

The fruits hanging on the branches
So ripe as they could be....
Bending down to us ...relishing to c

Oh what a sight to see
from a tiny little seed to a grown up tree..
standing in the scorching sun and spreading itself wide
So that we shelter soothingly in its warm side..

What the Lord is telling us..through his actions  silently?
Learn O Man from the nature to live life givingly

From small good thoughts sown in your mind
and nurtured lovingly...
U can be a tree to someone and live happily

A shade of warmth you can give...A sweet fruit of words
A fragrance of your kind touch...Can make someones world worth

Be a tree..strong and kind and bend to the Lord
N you will c that he will always give u reaps in rewards

Help make the world a better sowing a tiny seed
a seed of good thought to make the world ...better to live indeed!!!!!



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