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Little doors of hope,can bring the sunshine in.
Little gaps in the fingers,can slide someone's in.
Little steps of understanding,can bridge large gaps.
Little moments of love,can make ones spirit high.
Little curves on ur face,can bring a lovely smile.
Little footsteps of togetherness,can lead to large miles.
Little words of sweetness,can melt the hard heart.
Little touch of oneness,can add to the closeness.
It is just the little things,which add up to the joys.
Things that seem so little,can take u to the highs..



  1. Little appreciation make a meww to roar. See I also started writing ������������

  2. Revolution begins with little things....very well said...

  3. Little hope always make big dreams true believe it and go ahead

  4. Great concept are a good thinker !

  5. Specially the first two lines ......are amazing , deep, written to perfection i just loved them !


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