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Mind and Body

Sometimes my mind wanders away..away from me..away from me
It crosses all the hill tops and sets itself free..

It goes above the  heights of the blue skies..
It runs through the waters deep
It runs past the breezing wind
It crosses the silence in the realm

I try to catch it ...get a hold of it...
But every time I try
It runs away from my tight gasp
and again makes me cry

After trying a one and two
Then I just sit back
Thinking how long will it run
It has to come back.

I smile at the assurance that the heart is giving me
I am sure the mind needs thy body to set itself free

Both are friends  at times and sometimes act as foes
But incomplete without each other

So here I am not running any more..
I know the mind will wander and come back to the shore

Once they meet and join their hands..there will be harmony
Life again will bring sunshine and the world will happy be:)


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