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I looked here n there, N I looked everywhere
I looked everywhere,but found it nowhere...

I hunted for so long..I was tired at last
I wanted it so badly..I wanted it so fast.

Oh I couldn't stay without it...I cant do without it
It is the oxygen to my my every heart beat

It makes me who I am..It makes me feel so good
It makes my life so simple..n never lets me brood

It helps to loosen the muscle..the tense moments indeed
It helps me fill the vacuum every act and deed

It makes the vibes so warm..and brings many together
It adds value to the face..n to life it adds more color

Its so valuable and unique..Though God gave it for free
Its the SMILE that I carry,showing feelings from my heart
Its this little curve on my face that sets me APART

A smile makes a day of the giver and the taker
So much to live better and  nothing to lose either

My most precious asset I would never let it go
My SMILE makes me who I am and carries Life's Show.......


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