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360 degree Self

What are we truly ??

I mean do we really act the way we think..Most of the times in the worldly world we act or react as per conditions,responsibilities,pressures..I wonder do we really behave the way we want to or desire..

Our actions are mostly a reflection  or come from the fear of rejection by everyone around us.

If we were each given  a day to be ourselves away from the known people..I am sure most of us would be 360 degree of the person we  "try to be"..

All of us have hidden desires,Simple fears,strings attached to unknowns, unforgettable bonds, meek moments,unfulfilled dreams....that we want to experience once in our lives..

You will surely not find a human on this planet who doesn't have any of these..If such people do exists..God bless them too..

I wish all of us could be that 360 degree persona and experience that side of our own unknown selves.....


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