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Faithbook Biggest Competitor of Facebook, After reading this you will switch to Faithbook, Know more about Faithbook.

I wish to talk about faithbook  and not the famous FACEBOOK..
With due respect to Mark Zuckerberg  and the facebook fans I feel truly that facebook is actually a farce ..a face that we try to show to the world. What I have been observing is that most of us use Fb to show, post and display emotions for public approval , glare and appreciation and most of it is not even close to us.
How many times do we really show our real emotions on FB? Do we post or share pics  when we are crying, deeply hurt ,missing someone truly ,depressed, or having a bad mood ,upset about something ? Aren't these also a part of us ?our personality..ourselves..What do we do in such times then..We either shut ourselves down from the social place, call up a friend and talk our heart out, cry on a loved one's shoulder, hold hands of the trusted one and also remember our "GOD". We try to make ourselves comfortable in our own special comfort zone with people we trust in have faith in. This is our real face which I call as our "Faithbook".
I strongly feel that technology helps us connect but true connection needs no data/internet cause it lies within ourselves..It depends on the faith you have in yourself and the divinity which lies within you. Technology  helps us to put our best face in front of the world but our inner strengths, emotions and faith help us to put the best of ourselves  to live  Life beautifully.
So do not give too much of yourself on the social media..cause it is making you unsocial in real sense..Meet friends on the adda you usually met for a cutting, be dressed in your casual tees and shorts without an iota of makeup  and have a hearty life on the PJs..laugh until your stomach aches and tears come in your eyes. Meet a sick relative and give them your time and wishes, Spend time with your kids just playing with them, help your spouse at home , visit the temple with your aged parents , help the underprivileged and needy without any expectation , smile at the boy who sells something at the signal you may not buy a thing from him,ask your maids how they are doing..
And when you do all this do it with faith that you are blessed with God's best gift called " LIFE"..And when you do it there is he who is taking a SELFIE with you in his heart..Your own faithbook ..your GOD...keep the book of your life open and clear and the faithbook will turn its pages adding new colours to it.........
Switch to Faithbook......Real world.....


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