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Are you Working???

Are you working?
This is not the question which should be asked to a woman. She is always working whether she is working in office or she is taking care of house chores.
Ask this question to a son, brother or husband. Are you working? And see their reactions. They will see in your eyes in such a manner that either they don't get the question or you are talking in some alien language. Try it. They are going to office so they are working means earning, but a lady if going to office means working, if staying at home then non working or housewife? What, come again?
Then let me show you her day.
Early morning starts preparing tiffin, breakfast, then dropping kids to school. Rest house hold chores. Preparing lunch, kids picking, then their lunch , homework,  exams, elder personal care, medications if someone ill at home, cleaning, laundry, grocery, dinner, and I am saying house hold chores then there are n number of countless things which if I will start writing you will definitely skip my blog and see the next entertaining webpage. If she is going to office then she has warfield at home as well as at office. She is mother so sleepless nights, medications, surgeries and so many things. She is in thirties, forties, fifties, sixties or seventies she is always working. Whether she is in good mood or bad, whether her health is good or bad who cares??? She has to do it, without leaves; At least sick leaves should be granted at home also. Why??? Husband not well what he does take sick leave and rest at home. Wife not well, do the all house chores, if will get some time then take rest.
One day all get up in morning see the sick leave note on dining table, ok then let her take rest someone go to doctor with her, and do all your stuff on your own, take care of kids , cooking not possible then order from outside. What's say?
Instead of giving gifts on birthday, anniversary or woman's days , mother's day, get up in the morning and say Hey dear, Hey Mom you are not going to do anything today let's have fun. Let her breath with peace for that day. Have some fun with her. 
From onwards never ask a lady this question..... ARE YOU WORKING? 
Because she always is......

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Author: Ms. Snehal Gawali


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