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Are you Working???

Are you working? This is not the question which should be asked to a woman. She is always working whether she is working in office or she is taking care of house chores. Ask this question to a son, brother or husband. Are you working? And see their reactions. They will see in your eyes in such a manner that either they don't get the question or you are talking in some alien language. Try it. They are going to office so they are working means earning, but a lady if going to office means working, if staying at home then non working or housewife? What, come again? Then let me show you her day. Early morning starts preparing tiffin, breakfast, then dropping kids to school. Rest house hold chores. Preparing lunch, kids picking, then their lunch , homework,  exams, elder personal care, medications if someone ill at home, cleaning, laundry, grocery, dinner, and I am saying house hold chores then there are n number of countless things which if I will start wri...
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Every Woman is "CRUSADER"

CRUSADER Every woman is crusader, she is always fighting but most of the battles are with herself only. She is always battling with her emotions , with her thoughts. Once she wins this battle wining with rest of the world is just formality. She fights for giving her best, she fights with her own sorrowness coming due to grievance,insult, neglegence, she fights with rolling tears coming out which are emblamatic of deep hurt to her self respect . She always has to be the crusader as her fights are alone. First she has to overcome her emotions. If this is done rest task is easy. Then be it. Be a crusader fight and win. World is yours no one can make you feel sad , sorry or hurtful unless and until you allow them to do so. Change the world but begin with you if you want to change things as you want then change yourself first. No matter how the world treats you , you treat yourself with respect and in very fair manner. By: Ms. Snehal Gawali (Author) If you like ...

From woman's Heart "Ittisi Khushi"

Ittisi Khushi , Very true,  all says a lady wants necklace, jewellery as a gift but it's not true. What she wants is just SHARING and CARING. A husband, a brother , mother , sister , friends and all she just wants to be cared. If she is cared and everything is shared with her, she will be on the top of the world and will do so much even going beyond her capacity. Care your woman a sister , mother, daughter, wife and friend. Bus ittisi Khushi all that she wants. By: Ms. Snehal Gawali (Author)


You know what keeps us going?Its not our breath its hope..One can find many people living but the ones who live without Hope are not living in true sense.. Every sunset is followed by the hope that there is a sunrise tomorrow.. Every dark night is followed by  the hope of a sunny day.. Every tear is followed with a hope of smile.. Every moment of fear is followed by a hope of strength.. Every feeling of loneliness is followed by a hope of togetherness.. Every failure is followed by a hope of success.. Every drop of sweat is followed by the hope for chants of victory.. Every step back is followed by the hope of a step forward.. So every adversity is followed by the hope of prosperity:) Hope is that intangible thread if u hold it tight and with belief in the Almighty and yourself will walk you through this narrow  but seemingly impossible path with grace,honor,and wisdom.. Hope all of u my dear ones hold on to life when its difficult with a HOPE that its just m...


"Ma"... The only word which means ... The World The Universe Sense of Belonging Oneness Pure Giving Blessings Comfort ...The list is endless..words are short to describe the feeling "Ma" is just not a person is a feeling which is pure and Godly.. Some one has truly said that if one wants to meet God look at the your mother's feet If one wants to experience is in the arms of your mother... "Ma " is a feeling..Blessed are the ones who have a mother to and give selflessly Dhanashree

Mind and Body

Sometimes my mind wanders away..away from me..away from me It crosses all the hill tops and sets itself free.. It goes above the  heights of the blue skies.. It runs through the waters deep It runs past the breezing wind It crosses the silence in the realm I try to catch it ...get a hold of it... But every time I try It runs away from my tight gasp and again makes me cry After trying a one and two Then I just sit back Thinking how long will it run It has to come back. I smile at the assurance that the heart is giving me I am sure the mind needs thy body to set itself free Both are friends  at times and sometimes act as foes But incomplete without each other So here I am not running any more.. I know the mind will wander and come back to the shore Once they meet and join their hands..there will be harmony Life again will bring sunshine and the world will happy be:)


I looked here n there, N I looked everywhere I looked everywhere,but found it nowhere... I hunted for so long..I was tired at last I wanted it so badly..I wanted it so fast. Oh I couldn't stay without it...I cant do without it It is the oxygen to my my every heart beat It makes me who I am..It makes me feel so good It makes my life so simple..n never lets me brood It helps to loosen the muscle..the tense moments indeed It helps me fill the vacuum every act and deed It makes the vibes so warm..and brings many together It adds value to the face..n to life it adds more color Its so valuable and unique..Though God gave it for free Its the SMILE that I carry,showing feelings from my heart Its this little curve on my face that sets me APART A smile makes a day of the giver and the taker So much to live better and  nothing to lose either My most precious asset I would never let it go My SMILE makes me who I am and carries Life's Show......