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Showing posts from April, 2017

Mind and Body

Sometimes my mind wanders away..away from me..away from me It crosses all the hill tops and sets itself free.. It goes above the  heights of the blue skies.. It runs through the waters deep It runs past the breezing wind It crosses the silence in the realm I try to catch it ...get a hold of it... But every time I try It runs away from my tight gasp and again makes me cry After trying a one and two Then I just sit back Thinking how long will it run It has to come back. I smile at the assurance that the heart is giving me I am sure the mind needs thy body to set itself free Both are friends  at times and sometimes act as foes But incomplete without each other So here I am not running any more.. I know the mind will wander and come back to the shore Once they meet and join their hands..there will be harmony Life again will bring sunshine and the world will happy be:)


I looked here n there, N I looked everywhere I looked everywhere,but found it nowhere... I hunted for so long..I was tired at last I wanted it so badly..I wanted it so fast. Oh I couldn't stay without it...I cant do without it It is the oxygen to my my every heart beat It makes me who I am..It makes me feel so good It makes my life so simple..n never lets me brood It helps to loosen the muscle..the tense moments indeed It helps me fill the vacuum every act and deed It makes the vibes so warm..and brings many together It adds value to the face..n to life it adds more color Its so valuable and unique..Though God gave it for free Its the SMILE that I carry,showing feelings from my heart Its this little curve on my face that sets me APART A smile makes a day of the giver and the taker So much to live better and  nothing to lose either My most precious asset I would never let it go My SMILE makes me who I am and carries Life's Show......

360 degree Self

What are we truly ?? I mean do we really act the way we think..Most of the times in the worldly world we act or react as per conditions,responsibilities,pressures..I wonder do we really behave the way we want to or desire.. Our actions are mostly a reflection  or come from the fear of rejection by everyone around us. If we were each given  a day to be ourselves away from the known people..I am sure most of us would be 360 degree of the person we  "try to be".. All of us have hidden desires,Simple fears,strings attached to unknowns, unforgettable bonds, meek moments,unfulfilled dreams....that we want to experience once in our lives.. You will surely not find a human on this planet who doesn't have any of these..If such people do exists..God bless them too.. I wish all of us could be that 360 degree persona and experience that side of our own unknown selves.....

Be a Tree

A tiny little seed..I sowed in my garden.. Small shoots fought the soil to meet thy God in heaven They moved towards the sunshine..drinking all the water To grow and grow taller to make thyself stronger The tiny little stem..making its hard trunk The pods that broke over to give way to the flowers The fruits hanging on the branches So ripe as they could be.... Bending down to us ...relishing to c Oh what a sight to see from a tiny little seed to a grown up tree.. standing in the scorching sun and spreading itself wide So that we shelter soothingly in its warm side.. What the Lord is telling us..through his actions  silently? Learn O Man from the nature to live life givingly From small good thoughts sown in your mind and nurtured lovingly... U can be a tree to someone and live happily A shade of warmth you can give...A sweet fruit of words A fragrance of your kind touch...Can make someones world worth Be a tree..strong and kind and bend to the Lord N ...


Such a painful word....but the end result is not always painful We usually mean to depart is to leave...but see the positive part of it Until it "leaves" its not going to "arrive" somewhere.. We associate "to depart" with people..meaning people leave..But if they leave they are going somewhere ..where they arrive So actually they are DePARTING on one end and arriving at the other...and when they DePART they leave a part of themselves as memories which make us remember them. So even if it means a loved one means they have arrived DePARTing is not always painful it is GAINful indeed...


Ever thought why this day is called a SUNday though the Sun rises everyday???? Well I think, it could be cause after a tiring week we  should have our own time and shine as bright as a SUN.. All through the week I am not sure if we even watch the Sun....forget  the sunrise and sunset.. There is this phrase also "a sunny day" meaning a pleasing day  So its just named SUN day so that we have our sunny time and shine to again face the weekdays.... Hope All of u had a SUNNY day..I had mine💥 Dhanashree


Little  doors of hope,can bring the sunshine in. Little  gaps in the fingers,can slide someone's in. Little  steps of understanding,can bridge large gaps. Little  moments of love,can make ones spirit high. Little  curves on ur face,can bring a lovely smile. Little  footsteps of togetherness,can lead to large miles. Little  words of sweetness,can melt the hard heart. Little  touch of oneness,can add to the closeness. It is just the  little  things,which add up to the joys. Things that seem so  little ,can take u to the highs.. Dhanashree .


Faithbook Biggest Competitor of Facebook, After reading this you will switch to Faithbook, Know more about Faithbook. I wish to talk about faithbook  and not the famous FACEBOOK.. With due respect to Mark Zuckerberg  and the facebook fans I feel truly that facebook is actually a farce ..a face that we try to show to the world. What I have been observing is that most of us use Fb to show, post and display emotions for public approval , glare and appreciation and most of it is not even close to us. How many times do we really show our real emotions on FB? Do we post or share pics  when we are crying, deeply hurt ,missing someone truly ,depressed, or having a bad mood ,upset about something ? Aren't these also a part of us ?our personality..ourselves..What do we do in such times then..We either shut ourselves down from the social place, call up a friend and talk our heart out, cry on a loved one's shoulder, hold hands of the trusted one and also remember our "GOD...